You know the feeling when listening to music you suddenly feel like dancing but can't, because you're in public (in the middle of the day)? Or while driving a car turn up the volume and start singing along and somehow think you're a freaking drummer or sth? Well, those things have happened to me a lot lately. Also, what's happend is that I've fallen in love with Coldplay's new album. It's simply that good! My favourite track from it atm is 'Major Minus' + I'm really into 'Moving To Mars'. I recently discovered an artist named Rye Rye. She's pretty awesome and me is so in love with her 'Never Will Be Mine' (which btw, is actually Robyn's song, you know, the blond girl with an angelic voice from Sweden?), well, not actually the original of it, but the remix. And I like 'Sunshine' feat. M.I.A., it's got a funky tune. I love Coldplay and cannot wait for Snow Patrol's new album + I've found some pretty great artists and songs lately, tho, none of them can top my absolute favourite atm: Tinie Tempah's 'Love Suicide'. It's been haunting me for days now. A few months ago I listened to Kings of Leon a lot, latley not so much, but today, while coming home KOL started playing on my iPod and I almost re-discovered my favourite brothers of rock (ok, I know it's just 3 brothers and a cousin, but they're pretty colse, so I might as well call them brothers). I'm well aware of some fans who hate their new sound, but I actually really like 'Come Around Sundown'.
the rocking 4 |
oh they're great... |
So, here's the little devil, who's been rocking my world lately with her funky tunes |
Jeee, Siki tuleb vist nädalavahetuseks koju ja loodan, et plaanid ei muutu ja pühapäeval (vist siis) saame koos midagi teha. Mõtlesin, et teen äkki sellise postituse, kus jalutan mööda mälestuste radu ja panen palju pilte reisidest, hang-outidest, sünnipäevadest ja muudest random asjadest. We'll see about that, probably unustan ära. Btw, eile leidsin sellise nalja (tõenäoliselt on kõik seda juba näinud), mis ajas mind täiega naerma ja tavaliselt ma ei saa anekdootidele pihta, seega... here it comes:
What did the chemist say when he found two new isotopes of helium?
- HeHe!
Eile või paar päeva tagasi leidsin tsitaadi (loe lõpust), mis pani mind mõtlema ja kusjuures ongi nii, nagu autor väidab, kuna enamik inimesi ei küsi (ega märkagi), kui midagi viga on ning seepärast on parem muredele mitte keskenduda. Inimhing on aga loomult juba selline, mis ei keskendu ainult olevikus elamisele, vaid igatseb minevikku ja vaatab tulevikku. Selles suhtes oli Epikurosel õigus, et inimhinge kannatused on kõvasti hullemad kui keha omad, sest kui valu põhjus kaob, leeveneb valu kehas, ent hingest ei kao see nii pea. Hästi, ma ei tea, kuhu ma oma jutuga jõuda tahan, liiga palju filosoofiat lugenud viimastel nädalatel vist (kohustuslik õppeaine TTÜ's), seeeegaaaa lõpetan selle jutu. Oota, tegelikult ma tean, kuhu tahtsin jõuda – tsitaadini:
'Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy' by Cynthia Nelms